Beside from creating windows phone apps, I also wanted to learn how to create games in Unity3D. Everyone likes to play computer games sometimes 😉 and learning how to create one is even more awesome. 🙂
Although I consider myself an experienced C# devloper, creating games is a different thing. You have to learn the basiscs of the game engine you use and many new API’s. Of course creating a game also is much more then „only“ programming. You need to create nice graphics (or get them from asset store) and you need to add sound effects and many more things…
The great thing about Unity3D is: You can program in C# and deploy to Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Windows Store.
Since 2 days my first game „Candy Ball“ is available in the the windows phone store, which is a great thing. This was my learing project – it’s completely free and does not show adds.
Publishing it for Android was much simpler. You don’t need to get „game certificates“ in the google play store and after submission your app/game shows up in google play store after about 2 hours. From this perspective it’s not unexpected that there are much more apps/games in google play then in windows phone store. Of course there are other resaons too, like OS marketshare for example. 😉
For windows phone this whole procedure is much more complicated and it took about 7 days for my game to show up in the windows phone store.
Ich habe bereits die App gekauft.
Nach Neuinstallation meines Handys ist die App verschwunden.
Wie kann ich die App weiterhin benutzen?
Hallo Reinhard,
alle gekauften Apps sind an die Live ID „gebunden“, nicht an ein physisches Phone.
Das bedeutet: Man kann jede gekaufte App immer kostenlos neu installieren.
Dazu im Store auf „Kaufen“ klicken – es wird ein Dialog angezeigt, dass die App bereits gekauft wurde und man wird gefragt, ob man diese neu installieren möchte.