Adding a new ‚month view‘ to ‚Week View‘

The year 2013 will be over soon and I want to wish a great new year 2014 to everybody!

The last days I had a bit of time to complete adding an additional ‚month view‘ to my app ‚Week View‚. I want to fix a few things and do some more testing. I am planning to release the next update of Week View soon, which will contain the new ‚month view’…and some other new features.

Here is, how it will look in portrait mode

Month View Portrait

A view like this was suggested by many uers of my app, so i added it. 🙂 It shows a whole month, the days of the month are „clickable“ and selecting a date will show the appointments on this day in the list below.

While tesing this on my new Nokia Lumia 1520 I thougth: Why not make use of the large full hd screen? So i added the option to collapse the appointments list and show the calendar in ‚full screen mode‘, which is especially useful in landscape mode since it allows you to see a whole month with readable appointments – something that the month view of the build in windows phone calendar does not provide.

This is, how it looks like

Month View Landscape

I hope, you will like it + happy new year to everybody! 🙂