When the final Version of Visual Studio 2015 was released yesterday (07/20) I downloaded it, uninstalledVS2015 RC and installed the new version the same day. 🙂 Yeah – a developer’s favorite tool in the newest, shiny version! What do you…
Windows Store is broken at the moment
The title may sound dramatic but that’s what happened, maybe with the last „unification“ of the windows phone store and the windows store, maybe when preparing the store for windows 10. 1. Submitting updates for existings apps is not possible Today…
Windows 10 RC (Build 10240) and windows phone development fail
Update: A microsoft employee provided a registry fix, which solved the problem: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/74fafd96-50cf-4d77-9d7a-41620c5487a5/ipoverusbsvc-service-missing-in-windows-10-rc-build-10240?forum=winforms Yesterday I updated my notebook to the most recent build (10240) of windows 10, which is some kind of a „release candidate“ build. When I tried to deploy an…